It takes a great deal of time and manpower to spruce up the city of Pella before Tulip Time, but just as much effort goes into maintaining that look during the three-day festival. The Pella Public Works Department places over 100 additional trash receptacles throughout the Central Business District, which Public Works Director Denny Buyert says keeps his workers on the move.

“Those 100 extra garbage cans and all the existing ones – we pick those up, starting at about mid-day until late into the evening,” said Buyert. “Some other things we do is to set up and maintain the barricades and ropes for the street closures, and another thing that goes on behind the scenes is that we clean up underneath the bleachers after each night’s events.”

“We’ve tried a lot of different things, but the only way to do it is just to get underneath there and crawl around with bags and get it picked up. We also do more street-sweeping late at night.”

Buyert was quick to give much of the credit for a successful event to the many workers who labor throughout all hours of the day to keep the Tulip City looking beautiful for the thousands of visitors that come for the three-day festival.

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