A water main project near Vermeer Corporation in Pella will adjust the flow of traffic through next weekend. Pella Public Works Director Denny Buyert tells KNIA/KRLS News that city workers are installing the water main, which will complete a much-needed additional loop near Vermeer by connecting a 12-inch pipe to the water main at East University Street.

“That’ll amount to about 2700 feet [of pipe], and yes, we’ll be doing that in-house with our own crews and own equipment,” said Buyert. “That’ll be a nice loop, and that will only leave us with one more phase on the eastern side of town to get – in another year or two – from University to Oskaloosa; and that’ll connect the whole east side of town and get us better service.”

East Vermeer Road to the west of 240th Place will be closed, beginning Friday morning. Traffic will use a detour that follows Oskaloosa and East 13th Streets. Provided there are no complications, the roadway will re-open by the end of next week, July 9th.

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