After some discussion the Knoxville City Council chose to table an agenda item in regards to seeking bids to purchase a tanning bed for the recreation center at their meeting Monday. Recreation Director Brandon Nemmers says several members have requested tanning services at the center so he then brought the matter up to the Recreation Commission who decided to recommend the purchase of a tanning bed. Rose Gillson, owner of His and Hers Fitness was in attendance to express her concern about the City competing with the smaller local businesses in town that currently offer tanning. Members of the Council shared these concerns and stated they would not be in favor of undercutting these businesses. City Manager Dick Schrad says the City is already in competition with several of the same businesses with the different things they offer at the recreation center.

Schrad says it is their goal to add a requested service for their members and create revenue for the city, but not take customers away from other businesses.

Council members planned to do some research on the topic and poll area businesses before making a decision on whether or not to move forward.

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