Seniors in area high schools are just about four months away from graduating, and many are looking ahead to how they plan on affording higher education. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or FAFSA, has become a vital part of many students’ plan. FAFSA helps determine eligibility for student financial aid. Knoxville High School counselors Caroline Jones and Ashlee Duimstra say that Eric Danielson with Iowa College Access Network will be in Knoxville on February 20th to help guide parents through the FAFSA form. Spots are limited, so call the guidance office at 842-2174 to reserve a spot for that day.

Wayne Dille, Director of Financial Aid at Central College tells KNIA/KRLS News, that although the process can seem very intimidating to first time college students and parents, there is no harm in applying for government aid. He says that there are some disclosures that have to be made, but parents have nothing to fear from the forms. He adds that often parents who think they won’t qualify for aid are surprised by what the Federal Government offers them after they submit a FAFSA.

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