The Pella Police Department got a boost from their volunteer reserves in 2009. Pella Police Chief Michael Marcinkowksi tells KNIA/KRLS News that he was very pleased and impressed with the amount of time logged by reserve officers in the last calendar year.

“The biggest thing that I’d like to mention is that their time this year has gone up. They’ve actually done one-third more this year,” said Marcinkowski. They [the reserves] donated just shy of 1200 hours to the City of Pella this year, and that is outstanding.”

Marcinkowski says the public is often unaware of the amount of time and training that goes into being a reserve officer – in addition to their daily routines.

“Those individuals pay for their education themselves; they get everything they need to be a full law enforcement officer while they’re on duty, and the state requires that,” said Marcinkowski. “So they’re going out there and getting all this training and getting their continuing education, just like any other officer, but they’re doing that while they’re volunteering and have their own full-time jobs.”

Marcinkowski adds that reserve officer are a valuable asset to the Pella community because they help reduce costs for the city while providing valuable assistance in specific instances or during certain times of the year.

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