Marion County road crews were out on the highways early after Friday morning’s winter weather advisory, as snow and ice returned to the area after a respite over Christmas time.

Mike McMurray is the road maintenance supervisor for Marion County; he tells KNIA/KRLS News personnel were out early to take care of all their roadways before drivers began their morning commute.

“It’s just kind of getting back to reality here; we were out at 4 a.m. with trucks and put down salt and sand, and no big deal so far; yeah, back to reality today,” McMurray says.

The county has had five snow events so far this season, and used up about 500 tons of salt and sand mix; McMurray says they keep around 1,600 tons on hand, so the county is in good shape to this point.

And while the road department had some vehicle shortages during the fall, he says all equipment is in use or available, all personnel have access to a vehicle, and they even have one to spare.