If you have any holiday parties or visitors coming to your home, it would be a good idea to secure any medication you have in your bathroom…because some people peeking in the medicine cabinet may not just be snooping.

Knoxville Police Chief Dan Losada tells KNIA/KRLS News prescription drug abuse and resale is common enough for homeowners to be concerned about who may take items from their home bathrooms or kitchen cupboards.

“Make sure you’ve got them in a secure location where they’re not out and obvious; it’s not a good idea to leave them out on the kitchen table or in the bathroom on the counter,” Losada says.

“If you’ve got guests coming over, secure them somewhere safe, where they’re out of the way, out of sight so people won’t find them and possibly help themselves.”

Stolen medication could be used by someone with a drug problem, resold to someone else, or cause a potentially lethal reaction in someone it’s not prescribed to.

Chief Losada recommends as a precaution that you put any prescription or over the counter medications in a secure place before your party starts.