
For about 150 fourth and fifth graders from Knoxville, an event earlier this month not only provided them with a spectacle but with an important message about building their own character.

Hy-Vee sponsored the Exercise Your Character event at Hy-Vee Hall in downtown Des Moines on April 9th; over 11,000 students from around the region were in attendance to hear about the importance of having the pillars of character in their lives…to be trustworthy, kind and respectful to their neighbors.

Jessica Guillon is a teacher at Northstar Elementary; she tells KNIA/KRLS News the excitement of the event was enough to get the students interested in hearing what the various speakers had to say.

“Getting off of the bus, we immediately got wristbands and a headband and we all rocked those as we went into the building; there were lines of Hy-Vee workers outside of the place, that watched us as we went in and high-fived us just to get us pumped,” Guillon says.

“Even before we started, we kind of came early to get close and they did some different exercises and dances…to the different people talking, we loved it.”

Motivational messages came from people such as Kansas City Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes, young master chef Ariana Feygin and basketball trick shot artist Jesse LeBeau.

All spoke to the kids about the importance of staying in school, and working hard to achieve their dreams.