
*photo from the Indianola Tour of Homes Facebook Page*

The 25th annual Indianola Tour of Homes and Taste of Warren County starts tomorrow, and tickets are available now for purchase. Organizer Ardene Downing tells KNIA News this year marks a milestone of the tour, and it couldn’t be done without the support from Indianola and Warren County residents.

“It takes a lot of volunteers to do all of this, and for businesses and vendors to support us and to share at the Taste too. I think it’s just a good feeling for something that people can enjoy, it’s rather inexpensive entertainment, and a lot of people get to know each other when they might otherwise not have met.”

Tickets are $15 each, and $20 the day of, and are still available at Peoples Bank, Copper & Fringe Beauty Company, McCoy True Value, Mishmash, and Kerry’s Flowers. The tour will be tomorrow from 5-9pm and Saturday from 9am to 2pm. The Taste of Warren County will be Friday from 8 to 10pm at First United Methodist Church. A list of homes on the 2019 tour is below.

Nona Faith and Richard Hunter at 706 N S Court
Al and Kathie Farris at 811 East Salem
Bryan and Kristie Breon at 210 N 16th Street
Chris and Angela Jensen at 1601 Fairway Drive
Gary and Susan Fisher at 406 East Salem
Des Moines Metro Opera building at 106 West Boston