
Photo from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

The Marion County Public Health Department has opened communications and planning with business, college, hospitals, school districts, EMS, and other partners to prepare for the effects of COVID-19.

Marion County leadership has met with larger communities and essential partners to discuss and identify processes for communication among partners. The Coronavirus, or COVID-19 is a quickly changing situation and local partners and agencies agree that frequent communication and collaboration is key in preventing and mitigating its spread in Marion County and surrounding communities.

A Joint Information Center (JIC) is being initiated so that Marion County leadership and community partners can have a coordinated effort in community education and response. By working together to plan for and act upon the challenges that COVID-19 may bring, it is the goal to slow the spread of COVID-19 sufficiently to a more manageable rate. Prevention will be key in that goal. Marion County will be continuing meetings with community partners next week and the weeks to follow.

Public health will continue to educate and discuss the health effects to our population, the most at risk populations, prevention for citizens, and health protection issues. They will also
continue to address the societal changes that are developing as a result of the pandemic. Marion County residents can find the most up-to-date information regarding COVID-19 by visiting their website at http://www.marioncountyiowa.gov/, the Iowa Department of Public Health Coronavirus, and the Centers for Disease Control Coronavirus.

County officials ask that residents help to prevent the spread of respiratory diseases by following the guidelines that the CDC recommends:
● Frequently wash your hands for 20 seconds or more with soapy water. If unavailable, use
hand sanitizer.
● Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
● Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
● Stay home when you are sick.
● Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
● Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe

Iowa Department of Public Health reports that, “there is currently no known community spread of COVID-19 in Iowa and IDPH is not making any recommendations to cancel planned events and mass gatherings at this time. The CDC has, however, provided specific guidance for high risk groups. Older adults and those with chronic health conditions should stay away from others who are sick, limit close contact with others in general, avoid crowds, and wash hands often. To learn more, please go to https://idph.iowa.gov/Emerging-Health-Issues/Novel-Coronavirus. Along the left side of the screen, you will find guidance for your business and organization, health care, long term care, the general public, schools, travel and prevention.

Contact Marion County Public Health Department if you have any questions or concerns regarding this matter.