
Whitebreast Creek Flooding on G-76 in 2015

A sometimes overlooked aspect of severe weather is often the most dangerous, and is the final focus of Iowa Severe Weather Awareness Week. Senior Hydrologist Jeff Zogg with the National Weather Service says flooding can cause serious damage and injuries. He encourages residents to take one major precaution during flash flood warnings.

“The biggest thing to remember is ‘turn around, don’t drown,’” Zogg says. “Flooding is the number one killer of people when it comes to all kinds of severe weather, and most people die when they drive into a flooded roadway.”

“We encourage people when they encounter a flooded roadway to turn around and find an alternate route. It takes as little as six inches of water to sweep a vehicle off its tires and carry it downstream.”

During flooding events throughout the county, KNIA/KRLS stays in contact with the Marion County Road Department and local law enforcement to provide up-to-date road closures, as well as cancellations and delays. Tune into KNIA/KRLS and visit KNIAKRLS.com for the latest severe weather information.