
Running on its own course on Tuesday, the Knoxville Cross Country Squad gained some confidence moving forward for what the Panthers want to accomplish this season. For the boys squad, the Panthers are looking to challenge for the South Central Conference, and finish as good as possible at the State Qualifier. Runners Seth Walraven and Max Purvis tell KRLS Sports the conference and the State Qualifier are two meets they are now focused on.

“I think as a team we can be really competitive with Davis County and that should be our goal.”

“Pella is a really good course and I’ve already run really well there, and I think we can be very competitive if we get to run there.”

Pella is most likely the destination for Knoxville in the State Qualifying round. Both Walraven and Purvis felt they improved during Tuesday’s meet and are looking forward to the challenges of the conference and state qualifying meets.

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