
The City of Knoxville has been partnering with local businesses in a downtown storefront and facade revitalization program. The program contributes matching funds to business owners up to a maximum of $5,000. Several businesses have had grants approved, including Smoosh Pet Bakery and Spa ($5,000),  Ivory Soul ($5,000), English Valley Wellness ($3,220), and Knoxville Dental ($2,600). The city of Knoxville was also awarded a Community Development Block Grant for $400,000, and the city will contribute $100,000 towards the renovation project for Elite Dance at 203 E. Main in Knoxville. The city of Knoxville also received a $150,000 Downtown Housing Grant for the development of three apartments above Candi’s Flowers at 101 S 3rd Street and A&P Pub at 105 S 3rd Street. The city of Knoxville will also contribute $75,000 towards the $300,000 project. 

For more information on the storefront and facade improvement programs click here