
Helping Hands Food Pantry in Knoxville is in desperate need of canned soup donations.

Helping Hands is an organization that provides items to anyone in the community or surrounding areas that are in need free of charge. All of their workers are volunteers and everything in the pantry doesn’t cost a thing to whoever needs it. 

The organization currently needs the community’s help with donations of cans of soup due to students being back in school. The food pantry says soup is an easy thing for school aged kids to fix themselves. 

Helping Hands Director Chuck Galeazzi says plastic container soups help so they can be thrown right in the microwave.

“We buy our food for 14 cents a pound at the food bank of Iowa but a lot of times they don’t have soups so let’s say a young one comes home or any age and wants to have a quick meal, if they can pop a soup in the microwave they can have a quick meal.”

Hear more from Galeazzi on today’s Let’s Talk Knoxville.