
The City of Indianola and Indianola City Council are still providing all services as normal despite the social distancing recommendations and other restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic; however it’s the person-to-person interactions with the community that can be lacking. Indianola City Council member Bob Kling tells KNIA News

“Sometimes just seeing a city council member or representative reminds people that they have a concern or a problem. And just to get a feel for how people feel about what’s going on in the community. If you aren’t out and about, you aren’t going to know what’s going on. You might be able to read about it, but any news you might get can be dated. It’s just nice to be able to talk to people and get how they feel about something and what their concerns are.”

Kling also said the city has handled the pandemic well and provided the council and residents with whatever information they request, and official city business will go on as normal as possible.